38 Weeks Baby Hasnt Grown in 3 Weeks

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What does it mean if the baby has stopped growing?

(22 Posts)

flaurenoko Sat 23-Oct-10 11:43:10

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

sh77 Sat 23-Oct-10 11:53:23


It is possible that your placenta has stopped functioning efficiently, which means that baby is not receiving enough nutrition, causing growth to slow. At 40 weeks, I was measuring 36 - was sent for emergency scan which showed that fluid levels had dropped and baby's growth had slowed. They induced me the next day. It is highly likeley that you will be induced if scan confirms growth restriction, and so be ready for that.

Also, you must be aware of changes in baby movement. My baby's movements had slowed 2 weeks before my scan.

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sat 23-Oct-10 11:56:44

Don't forget that if your baby has engaged at all you I'll be measuring much less than your dates. I know a lot of midwives don't measure in the last few weeks since it's so inaccurate. Sorry you're worried, but if she was really concerned about this she would have rushed you straight to hospital.

Could you call her and tell her you are concerned so that she can explain?

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sat 23-Oct-10 11:57:38

sh77 Sat 23-Oct-10 12:26:29

Yes, I agree with youhave - if MW was seriously concerned she would/should have sent you for a scan. Did she not suggest anything after saying baby stopped growing? Also, when was your last measurement/scan?

flaurenoko Sat 23-Oct-10 12:46:37

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sat 23-Oct-10 12:56:05

They could get you an emergency scan if you needed one, instead they've booked you in for a scan. Movement is usually less in the last few weeks as they have less space. And not looking pregnant is normal too. With ds1 you could hardly tell. Ds2 on the other hand made me look like a whale!

You need to call all the numbers you have and demand answers. If you cant get through on the numbers you have then call the hospital. The other option is talk to your gp. You deserve more answers than you have had. You really do. Don't take no for an answer!

Have they measured you before? Because a measurement on its own isn't helpful, it has to be compared to previous measurements.

sh77 Sat 23-Oct-10 12:56:35

I have a medical condition that worried me in 1st pre. At about 38 weeks, I went to A&E and they sent me straight to the labour ward for monitoring and so if you do feel worried over the weekend, you could try that.

I mentioned to the obstetrician that baby's movements had slowed but thought it was because of less space and she told me off. I felt as if my bump had become smaller in last 2 weeks also but ignored it.

My midwives were absolutely rubbish - saw different ones, some of whom were not measuring my bump but writing that all was normal. It was only when I changed hospital in the last week did a MW pick up that I was measuring small.

At your scan appt, be ready to ask important questions - e.g., what are the implications of growth restriction, is it worth being induced early, what to do if you are worried.

My sis in law was measuring small for a number of weeks and was advised induction. She refused and her baby was born normally, a bit small but healthy.

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sat 23-Oct-10 13:00:15

As sh says, each situation is different. I know all of mine moved less in the last few weeks and all were born normally at full term and were normal sizes.

With ds1 my mw thought My waters may have broken at 37 weeks since my stomach looked more defined. All tests came back normal and they hadn't. But I did measure less. Ds was born on his due date and weighed a healthy 7 lbs 13 oz, so was actually above average in size.

Ive got my fingers crossed for you.

flaurenoko Sat 23-Oct-10 13:10:24

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sat 23-Oct-10 13:12:07

One more question! Is the baby's head descending into the pelvis yet? So has the mw said anything about the head being engaged at all?

nancydrewrocked Sat 23-Oct-10 13:17:12

I wouldn't be overly worried about the bumop measurement - they are notoriously inaccurate.

However if you have decreased movements contact the labour ward and explain your concern - also let them know that teh midwife was concerned about your measurements.

Decreased movements shouldn't be ignored on the basis that there is "less space" and any drop in movement should be reported.

In all likelihood there will be no cause for concern but always best to get it checked out.

sharbie Sat 23-Oct-10 13:17:41

my babys movements decreased and i was taken in straight away.i had a doppler scan (i think) and was told that the blood flow through placenta was decreasing so was told to come in and be induced.i went into labour naturally at home next morning and ds was born at lunchtime - everything was fine.i always wondered if the events were connected.
btw i had no idea i was to count movements so only realised on hospital ante natal tour that my lack of movements were a concern.

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Sun 24-Oct-10 20:36:30

Good luck tomorrow flaur. I hope everything is fine . Got my fingers crossed.

phipps Sun 24-Oct-10 20:38:10

You need to keep an eye on the movements and if there is any change go and be checked over.

rpickett Sun 24-Oct-10 21:58:58

First of all don't worry about it too much, I am 38 weeks pregnant and have measured 32cm for the last 6 weeks, to be on the safe side I had another scan and they measured the baby's head and abdominal circumference which was spot on for my dates, it could be a case of you don't have a lot of amniotic fluid or the baby is in an awkward position both of which doesn't nescerasaly (sp?) mean there is a problem.
Midwifes do prefer to be safe then sorry.
Good luck x

flaurenoko Tue 26-Oct-10 13:10:15

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

sh77 Tue 26-Oct-10 13:29:17

YouHaveNothingButAHunch Tue 26-Oct-10 17:19:58

Great news

mrscarol Wed 25-May-11 18:13:04

i am 25 weeks pregnant my midwife told me that your baby is growing slowly. we will check in 3 weeks that is it growwing or not otherwisee we will send u hospital. i am soo worried about this. can aanyone tell me please what shall i do? please guide me

yumstepmum Wed 25-May-11 18:25:07

Mrscarol, I'm the same. Got measured at 24+3 and told I was about 4cm behind where I should be. Booked in to see consultant later this week. Would be good to hear from people who have had this.

WiiUnfit Wed 25-May-11 20:30:08

mrscarol & yumstepmum, please try not to worry until you know exactly what is going on, measurements can be very inaccurate for many reasons including which way the baby is lay (e.g. if the baby is transverse - sideways - it shortens the length of the uterus, giving a false measurement).

I'm guessing you will both be sent for a growth ultrasound scan & doppler scan, it is like a normal ultrasound but takes a while as they measure the baby's head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur (thigh bone) length and the amount of fluid baby has. They may also predict an estimated fetal weight. The doppler checks the blood flow from you to the baby and vice versa.

I am at high risk of pre-eclampsia so have had 6 scans (13w dating, 19w anomally, 22w anomally repeat as they couldn't measure the spine at 19w, growth scans at 28w, 30w and 34w) so far & having another in 3 weeks time (38 weeks) to check growth & blood flow, so far, all of mine have been fine & it's been lovely to see my LO grow, hope it is the same for you both. It is great that this has been picked up now as you will both be well looked after!

Hope this helps. x

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38 Weeks Baby Hasnt Grown in 3 Weeks

Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/pregnancy/1068162-What-does-it-mean-if-the-baby-has-stopped-growing

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